Friday, March 13, 2009

what a day!

i had such a big day today.  the "experts" at informed my mother that when i reach for my spoon i may be telling her something.  perhaps i am saying, "i'm ready to start feeding myself, mama."

cleverly, my mama waited until it was warm enough for us to eat outside before venturing down that path.  today was the perfect day for it!

first, i grabbed my bowl with both hands and 
attempted to dump it out.  then my mama reminded me that i can use my spoon to shovel food into my mouth.  i did a better job after that.

after lunch, i went out to the front yard to supervise the building of a rock wall.  it was tough work but i think i did fairly well.

when our friends who were helping build the wall went home, my mama let me play in the sand for awhile.  

i wanted to taste the sand, but nana scooped it out of my mouth.  that was okay though, because it didn't taste very good anyway.  

this last picture my mama said she would take for miss kristina. she said miss kristina loves "tootsie" pictures.


angela said...

judah, i simply adore the picture of you supervising. i'm so proud of you and all your hard work.

love, mama

CG said...

Hey Judah, I was just at the beach this week, and I grabbed me a handful of sand to taste, too. I wish I'd had me a nana there to slow me down, as it tasted awful. Let's agree not to try it again, k?

Kristina said...

Oh Judah, please tell yourmomma that I LOVE the tootsie in the sand picture! She is so smart knowing I was looking for one!
You have the sweetest looking little tootsies!!!!!