Tuesday, September 2, 2008


i woke up this morning and my mama was being funny. she greeted me the same with kisses and love, but she said, "honey i am so sorry." a couple of times and i couldn't figure out why she was saying that. it was weird.
we just had a regular morning:
i slept in a bit.
i sat with my mama and nana as they ate breakfast.
i took a bath in the kitchen sink (two words: spray nozzle!).
i got dressed.
we went to town to do some errands (pretty sure i slept in the car...).
then something else happened that i thought was strange:
my mama squirted a little something sweet in my mouth that i have never tasted before.
it was pretty good, though, so i just went about coo-ing as usual.
but then we went somewhere i have only been twice before. a nice girl led us to a small room. she left us alone for a few minutes and my mama told me that she loved me and everything would be okay. what was going on? the girl came back in the room and talked to my mama. my mama held me over her lap and the girl STUCK SOMETHING SHARP IN MY LEG!!


yee owch!!!  i really didn't like that at all.  why did she do that?  and why did my mama let her?  

of course, then my mama let me eat for awhile and i got sleepy.  i think we went back to the car.  i can't really remember.  the next thing i really remember was waking up in the front pouch at the grocery store, so i guess whatever happened i survived.  there are funny little rounds spots of color on my legs now where that girl stuck me.  see?

i have flashes of remembrances of being in the bookstore and when we got home my mama read me a new book called i udderly love you.

yeah, i think i'll be okay.


megan haug said...

i'm glad you made it through okay Judah! you're a tough girl!!

Elias said...

i'm bummed to hear you didn't get a dinosaur, judah. you should have gotten 3 of them! they would have loved playing with Nala.

Tanya said...

I feel your pain! My momma let the same thing happen to me yesterday! You got much cooler bandages though ~ mine were plain brown!

angela said...

glory! it is great to hear from you! i'll pass your message on to judah; she's sleeping right now!

p.s. sorry about the bandaids.

Gretchen, Frits, Elisabeth, Harrison and Mia said...

Judah, Strange, but true--they hurt Mama even more than you. Kisses!

Glory--so good to see you online. Miss you!:)

Kristina said...

Oh baby girl, I am so sorry for the sticks. Smart momma to give you sweet stuff before it happened. She's so smart!

Love your smile little one. We miss you at the Burnett household! Hugs and kisses!

Kiley said...

I just found your blogsite through Christens... I know i have said this before - but man is she cute :D Welcome to the wide world of blogging - even though it looks like you have been doing it for a while :D


Hope and Rob said...

WHAT!!!! Oh I really don't want to come out NOW!!!!! I really like it in this warm and COZY dark little spot I'm growing. Oh Judah... I wish you would come hold my hand when it's my turn!!!! But then again... maybe... I'll just stay in here!!
-Baby Krotzer

Baby Gustabe said...

sorry, baby krotzer, but i don't lie. this is really what happens. my mama says it's not right to lie. otherwise, maybe i'd tell you that it's all fun and games. but i don't want to mislead you. i think you should know, at some point some mean lady is going to poke your leg really hard! i'm sorry, but that's just the way it is.